Eye protein and isozymes markers for some tilapia species reared in saline water

Abstract: Four groups of tilapia fish belong to three species; Oreochromis niloticus, O. aureus, and Tilapia zillii, were collected from three different locations in Egypt, (Abbassa, Maryout and Manzala). Tilapia fingerlings were reared in two saline waters, 10, 17 ppt under controlled laboratory conditions for eight weeks. SDS-PAGE for eye protein and native-PAGE for some isozymes, such as esterase, alcohol dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase were applied. The results showed decreased in band intensity due to the saline treatment in both O. aureus and T. zillii. However, loss of bands under saline was more noticed at 10 ppt than 17ppt salinity in both O. niloticus (Mr) and O. niloticus (Mz). Also, esterase and lactate dehydrogenase systems were more sensitive to saline than the others. The regulation of gene expression is affected by salinity. This affect is different from one species to another due to its tolerance to salinity concentrations
Publication year 2004
Pages p.185-202
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title المجلة المصرية للوراثة والسيتولوجي
Volume 33 .
Department Breeding and Genetics
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    نيرمين عبد الجواد
    ناديه محمد
    مصطفي سعيد
Agris Categories Animal physiology - ReproductionFisheries production
Egypt. Isoenzymes. Oreochromis (=tilapia) spp. PCR. Protein content. Salinity.
Publication Type Journal