DNA fingerprinting of some Egyptian carp fish species using RAPD markers

Abstract: RAPD-DNA technique using thirteen arbitrary random primers (OPA –1, OPA –3, OPA –6, OPA –7, OPA –10, OPA –11, OPA –12, OPA –13, OPA –14, OPA –15, OPA –16, OPA –17 and OPA –18) were tested to descriminate five carp species namely; Bighead, Black, Common, Grass and Silver carp. Genetic similarity estimation revealed that Common carp and Grass carp were close and showed high similarity (0.66), followed by between Common carp and Silver carp (0.56). At the same time, the similarity coefficient between Bighead carp and Silver carp was 0.50, while the lowest value (0.48) showed between Black carp and Silver carp. Only five primers OPA –1, OPA –3, OPA –7, OPA –15 and OPA –17) showed a closer relationship between Common carp and Grass carp, while another five primers (OPA –11, OPA –12, OPA –13, OPA –17, OPA –18) showed a closer relationship between Bighead and Grass carp or Bighead and Silver carp or Grass carp and Silver carp. The phylogenetic tree resulted from cluster analysis possessed Common and Grass carp in one main group, while Bighead, Black and Silver carp were separated to three different sub groups.
Publication year 2005
Pages pp. 205-218
Organization Name
Country Egypt
serial title المجلة المصرية للوراثة والسيتولوجي
Volume 34 .
Department Breeding and Genetics
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد عبد السلام راشد
    امين الجمل
    ناديه محمد
    سلوي محمد
Agris Categories Animal genetics and breedingFisheries production
Carp. DNA. RAPD.
Publication Type Journal