Protein and isozymes elctrophoresis for identifying some carp species

Abstract: Genetics similarity and diversity of five cultured carp fishes collected from Abbassa area (CLAR) in Sharkia, Egypt were examined. SDS-PAGE for muscle protein and native-PAGE for some isozymes, such as esterase and malate dehydrogenase were studied on ten individuals fish of each species. To discriminate isozymes variation among carp species, different synthetic Est substrates; α, β-N acetate and α-N propionate were tested. The results indicated that the soluble muscle protein patterns it may be conducted that each population had a unique banding pattern. Close relationship was noticed between bighead and black carp with similarity coefficient value of (94%). Silver carp had a different banding pattern and branched out as subgroup from each of bighead and black. The results of α, β naphthyl esterase showed perfect similarity within silver individuals. The average similarity values among the five carp species resulted from cluster analysis of α, β esterase isozymes data showed a close relationship between grass and silver carp (95%). High similarity in black, mirror carp, and grass carp while bighead and silver carp showed rear polymorphism with propionate esterase. Also the result showed that the variation in Mdh was limited and restricted on silver and mirror carp, while bighead, black and grass carp showed no variation within their populations. The final data of this work showed close relationship between bighead and black carp (85%). Moreover, quite close relationship was also noticed between each of black and Silver carp followed by bighead and silver carp.
Publication year 2005
Pages pp.47-55
Availability location المعمل المركزى لبحوث الثروة السمكية -- العباسة - أبو حماد - الشرقية - مصر
Availability number
Organization Name
serial title المجلة المصرية للبيولوجيا التجريبية
Department Breeding and Genetics
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    محمد عبد السلام راشد
    سلوى محمود محمد
Agris Categories Animal genetics and breedingFisheries production
Carp. Electrophoresis. Isoenzymes.
Publication Type Journal