Segmentation Technique for Detecting Leaf Spots in Cucumber Crop Using Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm

Abstract: Leaf spots are indicative of crop diseases, where leaf batches are usually examined manually and subject to expert opinion . In this paper we present a segmentation techmique for identifying the leaf batches in a cucumber crop using fuzzy clustering algorithm (FCM). Adapting the FCM algorithm parameters based on fuzzy entropy, partition coefficient, and compactness measures was used for choosing the optimal cluster number. It was found that, the adapted FCM technique has a better detection of spots when using a window selection. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness and superiority of the algorithm after an extensive set of color images was tested.
Publication year 2003
Organization Name
Country Egypt
City Cairo
serial title Eleven International Confernce for Artificial Intellegence
Department Knowledge Engineering and Expert System Building Tools
Author(s) from ARC
External authors (outside ARC)
    Hoda Onsi
    Salwa El-Gammal
Agris Categories Documentation and information
Expert systems.
Publication Type Conference/Workshop