Master Thesis      [Total: 14 ]

Using Cassana plant( Manihot esculanta)in Diet for proiler chick performance in Egypt and Nigeria

Salah Moselhy Hamza, 2007


The use of cassava, a multi-purpose plant which grows everywhere in the tropics, as a replacement for yellow corn could help to reduce the cost of production and alleviate the problem of direct competition between livestock and humans for yellow corn. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of replacing yellow corn with cassava root meal (CRM) at 0, 25, 50 and 75 % in grower broiler diets and then in finisher ones containing balanced classic diets according to the recommendations of the NRC (1984) during the first 6 weeks of age.
Two breeds were used: Hubbard classic broiler chicks in experimental (1) and ISA 30 broiler chicks in experimental (2). Two hundred and forty-one day old Hubbard classic unsexed broiler chicks and similar number one day old ISA 30 unsexed broiler chicks were used in the two studies.
Chicks were placed in hold and the total production was divided into growing (1-4 weeks of age) and finishing (4-6 weeks of age) periods. No significant differences were observed in body weight at 28 or 42 days when replacing yellow corn up to 50% CRM in their rations and no harmful hygienic side effects have been observed in broiler chicks fed on mixed cassava root meal diets even to 50% replacement in the two strains of broiler chicks used. The rate of gain of 25% and 50% CRM surpassed that of 0% CRM or the other formed CRM diets. While, incorporating 75% CRM in broiler diets decreased largely compared with the broilers consuming control diet (0% CRM). Thus, seventy five percent addition is not of benefit in poultry production feeding in the two used strains of broiler chicks. Feed consumption decreased gradually with increasing levels of cassava root meal substitution from 25 to 75%.
However, the values were almost similar to the control at 25, 50 % CRM substitution in the two used strains of broiler chicks. On the basis of overall performance of broilers during this study, it may be concluded that CRM can replace yellow corn as the source of energy in growing and finishing diets at levels of 25% and 50% without adverse effect on broiler performance but use 75% CRM replace yellow corn causes adverse effect on broiler performance in the two used strains of broiler chicks.
Digestibility coefficients of most nutrients were decreased gradually with increasing levels of cassava root meal substitution in the two used strains of broiler chicks. Carcass characteristics of slaughtered birds demonstrate no significant effect due to CRM levels on the different parts and organs percentages of broiler chickens in the two used strains of broiler chicks.
No mortality was observed due to treatments during the feeding period in the two used strains of broiler chicks. From nutritional and economical point of view there would be an advantage for CRM to replace yellow corn up to 50% in diets during the period between (1-6 weeks).

Levelof Rural Women Knowledge and Practice Related to Nutrition in DarEl Salam village – FayoumGovernorate- and its Relationship with some Social and Economic Variables

Heba Shehta Mohamed Tantawy, 2007


استهدفت هذه الدراسة تحديد مستوى معلومات المرأة الريفية في مجال التغذية ، تحديد مستوى ممارسات المرأة الريفية فى مجال التغذية ، وتحديد العلاقة بين مستوى معلومات المرأة الريفية (كمتغير تابع) وكل من (المتغيرات المستقلة) المدروسة التالية : سن المبحوثة، الحالة التعليمية للمبحوثة، عمل المبحوثة، سن زوج المبحوثة،الحالة التعليمية لزوج المبحوثة، نوع عمل زوج المبحوثة،نوع الاسرة،عدد أفراد الاسرة،المستوى التعليمىلافراد الاسرة، الدخل الشهريللأسرة، وجود حيازة زراعية لدى أسرة المبحوثة، حجم الحيازة الزراعية،حجم الحيازة الحيوانية،حجم الحيازة الداجنة،عدد الاجهزة الكهربائية والمنزلية، وتحديد العلاقة بين مستوى ممارسات المرأة الريفية (كمتغير تابع) وكل من (المتغيرات المستقلة) السابق ذكرها ، والتعرف على مصادر المعلومات في مجال التغذية.
وتمثلت شاملة البحث في جميع ربات الاسراللاتي لديهن أطفال بقرية دار السلام والبالغ عددهن (556) ربة أسرة، وقد اختيرت عينة البحث من ربات البيوتاللاتي لديهن أطفال، والتي بلغ حجمها (228 ربة أسرة) وذلك بعد تحديد حجم عينة الدراسة عن طريق معادلة كريجسىومورجانالتي تحدد حجم العينة بمعلومية حجم الشاملة.
وتم جمع البيانات عن طريق استمارة بالمقابلة، وتم تحليل بيانات البحث احصائيا وعرضها عن طريق العرض الجدولى بالتكرار،والنسب المئوية،والمتوسط الحسابي،والانحراف المعياري،كما تم استخدام اختبار مربع كاى2χ لدراسة العلاقة بين المتغيرات المستقلة الاسمية والكمية وبين المتغيرات التابعة،كذلك تم استخداماختبار معامل الارتباط البسيط لدراسة العلاقة بين المتغيرات المستقلة الكمية فقط وبين المتغيرات التابعة .
وتمثلت أهم النتائج التي توصل إليها البحث فيالاتي
• أن أعلى نسبه مئوية للمبحوثاتفي فئة المعلومات المتوسطة حيث بلغت نسبة المبحوثات فيها (57.9%).
• وبالنسبة لمستوى ممارسات المبحوثات في مجال التغذية أظهرت النتائج أن أقل الفئات هي فئة الممارسات المرتفعة، حيث بلغت نسبة المبحوثات فيها (18%) .
• أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقه معنويه بين مستوى معلومات المبحوثات وبينالمتغيرات المستقلة التالية : المستوى التعليميلأفرادالأسرة،الدخل الشهريللأسرة،حجم الحيازة الزراعية، حجم الحيازة الحيوانية، وعدد الاجهزة الكهربائية والمنزلية .
• أظهرت النتائج وجود علاقه معنوية بين مستوى ممارسات المبحوثات وبين المتغيرات المستقلة التالية : المستوى التعليميلأفراد الاسرة، الدخل الشهريللأسرة ، حجم الحيازة الزراعية، حجم الحيازة الحيوانية، حجم الحيازة الداجنة، وعدد الاجهزة الكهربائية والمنزلية .
• وأوضحت النتائج أن المستوصف أو الوحدة الصحية احتلت المرتبة الاولى بين المصادر المستخدمة حيث ذكرن ذلك (96.9%)، وجاء التليفزيون في المرتبة الثانية بين المصادر المستخدمة للحصول منها على معلومات عن الغذاء والتغذية وأشارت الى ذلك ما يقرب من ثلاثة أرباع المبحوثات (72.4%)، وجاء في المرتبة الثالثة الحماة حيث ذكرن ذلك (71.9 %) ، بينما جاءت المرشدات في الترتيب الرابع كمصدر للمعلومات وأوضحن ذلك ثلث المبحوثات(33.3 %)

Controlling Fungal Pollution In Yellow Corn Grains By Using Safe Environmental Traetments

Tamer El - Sisy, 2006


The aim of present work was to investigate the effectiveness of some organic acids and its their salts or as mixtures as preservatives to control the fungal pollution in the imported corn grains and to evaluate and determine the effective dose which can be used as fungicide for yellow corn grains during storage. A stepwise preliminary experiment was done as a survey for three locations (Alexandria, Domiate, and Cairo) by collecting five samples from each location. Each sample was analyzed for grading, type of fungi, mycotoxin and the following were recorded for each sample and each place: temperature, moisture, air condition and humidity during storage in the Hopper-Bottom Bins, Fiat- Bottom Bins or Warehouses. Data showed that all imported yellow corn were aflatoxin free and the mold count were between 2.230 and 4.447 log cfu/g. Different concentrations of the acetic acid , propionic acid, fumaric acid, a mixture of them and commercial mold inhibitor (Myco Curb) were prepared and used as preservatives. The use of propionic acid decreased the mold counts and aflatoxins determination (B1=10ppb and total aflatoxins=20ppb) more than acetic or fumaric acid . Generally , the results showed that the best yellow corn preservative was the acid mixture in 1% dose and gave better results than the salt mixture. Thus it can be recommended to use the acid mixture which are environmentally safe and permitted from codex as food grade additives to preserve the yellow corn and maintain it safe for human and animal consumption.

A Study On Minor Proteins In Buffalo Milk And Their Nutritional Quality

Gihan Ali Farag, 2005


Milk contains in addition to its major components some minor proteins, which play important roles and functions. Most of these components in order escape in the milk by-products after traditional milk processing, i.e. whey or butter-milk. The aim of present investigation was to evaluate two of buffalo minor milk proteins, namely lactoferrin (LF) and milk fat globule membrane protein (MFGMP). Such evaluation is essential for encouraging the utilization of these components in order to increase the economical return of milk processing.
The changes in LF content of colostrum and milk of buffalo during the first four weeks post parturition were investigated.
Individual colostrum or milk samples were taken through the first month of lactation representing colostrum (1st – 3rd day), transitional (4th–7th day) and mature milk (14th–28th day) periods. The samples were analysed for LF content and some related properties.
The LF content of colostrum as determined by ion exchange chromatography was significantly higher than those of transitional or mature milk periods; averages were 591.67, 225.0 and 152.5 mg/L, respectively. Electrical conductively, total solids and total protein content took positive trend as LF contents between different periods. The variations in LF content during the different periods of the first month of lactation due to individuality were insignificant.
The polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis examination showed that colostrum LF bands almost appeared at the same distance as the standard band, but with less density. By advancing in the lactation period the LF bands gradually become more faint.
The iron content of LF averaged 0.15 mg/g LF in colostrum, gradually increased to 0.48 mg in transitional period and reaching its highest average being 1.44 mg in mature milk period. As a result, the LF iron saturation showed its lowest percentage in colostrum, average being 11% only, while its highest level was in mature milk being 103%.
Colostrum LF showed higher content of Asp, Pro, Cys, Val and Arg amino acids than those of transitional or mature milk. However, the most abundant two amino acids in buffalo LF were Glu and Asp in the three investigated lactation periods.
The second minor milk protein concerned in the present research was the MFGMP which was separated from combined buffalo butter-milk and butter serum by isoelectric precipitation at pH 4.0. The average content of MFGMP amounted to 0.42% of milk fat content which equals 30.1% of MFGM material.
The electrophoretic analysis of MFGM protein showed eleven components; four of these polypeptides has Mol. wt. in the range of 24 -96 KDa, while the remaining seven components were extrapolated with Mol. wt. ranged between 109.11 – 0.76 KDa.
The MFGMP showed higher content of Glu, Asp, Ser, Gly, Ala, Isl and Arg amino acids, while Thr, Val, Leu, Pha, Tyr, His and Lys amino acids gave lower levels.

Effect of using bacterial inoculates on maize silage quality

Ahmed Mostafa Abido, 2005


Effect of using bacterial inoculates on maize silage quality. Unpublished Master of Science Thesis. Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, 2005.
Two weeks from their parturition, nine lactating buffaloes were used in a feeding trial to study the effect of maize silage inoculated with bacteria on their performance. The inoculants were pioneer 1132 which were composed of 100 billion Colony Forming Unit (CFU) per gm of crop specific Lactobacillus plantarium and Enterococcus facium. Animals were grouped into 3 feeding treatments, according to their weight and milk yield. They were introduced to rations containing 50%:50% roughage of forage: concentrate ratio as an amount of dry matter equal to 3.5% of their live body weight. The control group G1 was fed concentrate feed mixture CFM which composed of 25% un-decorticated cotton seed meal, 35% wheat bran, 30% yellow corn, 3% rice bran, 3% molasses, 2% limestone, 1% urea and 1% mineral salts. and rice straw as the traditional feeding regimen in summer in Egypt, G2 was fed CFM and untreated maize silage and G3 was fed CFM and maize silage inoculated with bacteria. The treatments extended for 3 months after the two weeks of parturition. DM, OM, CP, CF and NFE digestibility coefficients in G3 were higher than those in G1 and G2 , while EE digestibility was unaffected by treatments. Milk yield and 4% FCM yield increased significantly with inoculated silage than the other treatments. Milk composition in G3 was higher in TS, Fat, and lactose values (P<0.01) than values recorded for G1 and G2. Consequently, G3 produced more TS, SNF Fat, Lactose and Ash (P<0.01) than the other Two groups. Some values of blood serum parameters were discussed. The inoculated silage group performed better than the other two groups in feed and economic efficiency.
Key words: Inoculated silage, Lactating buffaloes, Lactobacillus planetarium, Enterococcus faecium.

Studies on the effect of environmental pollutonts on laboratory animals special refernce to histopathology alteration

Gihan Mostafa Hammoud, 2004


Title of thesis: Studies on the effect of environmental pollutants on laboratory animals with special reference to histo-pathological alteration

We found an increase in levels of iron, manganese, lead, cadmium and nickel in water samples collected from El khsab canal in El Tebbin Helwan. Also levels of metals in cultivated soils were higher than uncultivated one in soils samples collected from same area. While plant sample showed an increase in levels of iron, manganese, lead, cadmium and nickel. Rats treated by different doses of cadmium and lead for 12 weeks showed histopathological alteration in liver, kidney and brain in dose and time dependant manner. Haemogram revealed decrease in erythrocytic count and hemoglobin concentration and increase in WBCs count. Also there was an increase in glucose concentration in all groups.

Effect of germination on the chemical constituents and biological volue of some legume seeds

Akila Hamza, 2003


Comparative Study between Laser Techniqe and traditional Techniqe in measuring of water and Soil Pollutants

Saaid Hasan, Mohamed Elgammal, 2002


Comartive study in monitoring water and soil pollutants between laser technique and convential methods

Mohamed Elgammal, Saaid Hasan, 2002


Pollution problems now attract attention of scientists and normal inhabitants in allover the world. Pollution of agricultural soil originates mostly from variety of human activities such as unwise using of mineral fertilizers and using wastewater for irrigation which have significantly enhanced transfer of harmful compounds to soil , plants and eventually to food .
The area of “ El–Tebbin ” was chosen to account for the pollution of water and soil in it, which has the biggest heavy industrial factories in Egypt. Samples were taken from several places in two different seasons (winter & summer) and at different depths for soil samples. The samples were analyzed using conventional techniques: atomic absorption spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy and FT Raman spectroscopy. In addition to use the laser technique based on the fluorescence spectra from the samples after illuminating it by intense high power laser pulses aiming to monitor the heavy metals pollutants. A LIF-home built system had given a good estimation for the concentration of some elements in water and soil, with low detection limit at 0.025 ppm, Relative Standard Deviation (RSD)~1 % for different elements in soil results and RSD ~ 5 % for Fe in water results.
A comparison between the results of the above-mentioned techniques was carried out. Accordingly the results of this investigation showed that:
- The area under studying was found to be contaminated with relatively high percentage of heavy metals either in water or soil.
- The concentrations of elements in summer season were higher than those in winter season for water and soil samples.
- The concentration of any metal was found to be higher in the upper of soil than in the lower one except Fe which showed opposite behaviour.
- The results of methods showed the same sequence for the metals according to their concentrations in both water and soil.
- There is an agreement between the results of all used techniques on the deducements mentioned before. These results clarified that laser induced fluorescence spectroscopy method provides a suitable analysis for evaluating heavy metals in water and soil with reasonable precision.


Eman Romis Mohareb, Akila Hamza, 2001


The effect of monosodium glutamate (MSG) on the liver of albino rats was studied through treating 3 groups of animals with 3 different doses (2, 5, 8 gm/kg body wt.). Each group was studied after 2 and 3 weeks of treatment. MSG induced marked histological, histochemical and ultrastructural changes in the liver tissue, these changes were time and dose dependent. MSG caused a decrease in cytoplasmic granules, nuclear pyknosis, tissue necrosis and fibrosis. It also caused disruption of plasma membranes and swelling of cell organelles such as mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum followed by their fragmentation. This was associated with increased number of lysosomes. These changes were reflected on some cytoplasmic inclusions such as polysaccharides, which showed gradual decrease, associated with an increase in the lipid content. Also there was a slight increase in the proteins and nucleic acids followed by considerable decrease. This study indicates that MSG is dangerous at continual high doses and it must be avoided especially in case of patients with hepatic disorders.

Key Words: -
Mammals, rat, liver, MSG, histology, histochemistry, ultrastructure, polysaccharides, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.