Researsh & Applied Activities      [Total: 16 ]

دراسة إقتصادية لمستويات وتوزيعات الدخول المزرعية فى بعض محافظات جمهورية مصر العربية

Schowky Abdel Aziz, 2007



The study aims to recognize levels and resources of farm income , also to determine the percentage of family farm under poverty line and to measure the parameters of statistical distribution of income. The study depend on the suitable economic and statistical tools for achieving the study target .
The study depend on questionnaire data collected 2006 , using multiple cluster sampling technique . The sample covered six governorates . The chosen sample divided into three classes : less than 1 feddan , (1-3) feddans , and (3-5) feddans .
The study showed that , the annual net farm income for the first class is about 855 LE , where it reached 1818 LE for the second class and about 1839 LE for the third . Generally , farm income in Delta is more than the farm income in Upper Egypt , plan production is the main resource for income and animal production considered a secondary income specially in Upper Egypt .
The study also showed that in 2006 the limit of poverty line is about 7220 LE and 72% of sample farms under this line (79% of Upper Egypt , 64% of Delta) . Also 89% , 66% , 21% of sample farms in the three cases are under poverty line .
The Study results indicated that the increase of inequality farm income degree created the high percent of farms under poverty line limit , therefore , it was necessity for farm family to work outside its farm to satisfy its necessary needs . Also the study focused on completing the policy reform programs for improving income distribution and insuring the social save of farmers .

Role of fishes in development of the animal production for meeting the effects resultant from birflue

Abeer Mohamed Khalil, 2006


Fish considered being one of the main sources of cheap animal protein. The protein content is about 20% of its fresh weight. It is importance increased after the outbreak of avian flu. Egyptian fish production area is about 13.9 million feddan with average production of 62.6 kg / feddan. Fish farms area is about 1.6 % of total fish production area with estimated average production of 2-4 tones /feddan in 2005 .Local fish production increased at an increasing rate of 46.1 thousand tones during the study period. Also results indicated the existence of a statistically significant relationship between number of fishermen and fish production. Reduction of the number of fishermen by 1% resulted in decreasing fish production by 0.56% the time trend equation indicated statistically significant annual increase in their quantity available for consumption by 52.6 thousand tones. The most important variables affecting fish consumption were the prices of substitutes especially chicken and red meats. Statistically analysis revealed that significant relationship between fish quantity available for consumption and per-capita consumption. An increase in quantity of fish available for consumption by 1% would increase per-capita consumption 1.2% the average fish imports were about6.4 thousand tones while the average exports were 2 thousand tons per year. Therefore fish sector in Egypt has to be developing through a strategy starting by the producers and ending by the consumer with emphasis on lakes and aquaculture to increase production The use of modem technique in fishing transportation storing and marketing .Also emphasis on fish diseases and on pollution and using aquaculture opportunities available at the red sea and focusing on marine aquaculture.

Production and export policy of fish in arab world

Abeer Mohamed Khalil, 2006


This study aims to explain the production and export policy of Fish in Arab World
It depends on data from the Arab Organization For Agricultural development. It uses the descriptive and quantities analyzing as simple rogation and variance analysis, in addition to the relative importance of certain suggestions to develop the production and marketing of fish in Arab countries .
The results show that fish production in Arab World is significantly increased annually presents 141.6 thousand tons and in the rate of 5.03%annually for fish .The Arab consumption of fish has increased in the rate of 151.2thousand ton annually although the rate of change was 6.01% annually during the period (1990-2005).
The study has showed that exports of fish from Arab World has increased in a great rate presents about 287 thousand tons in the year 1990 to 599 thousand tons in 2005 with increasing rate about 48% . The fish imports in the Arab World have significantly increased about 25.4 thousand tons , the rate of change was about 7.2%frm the average during the period of studying . The exceed fish in the Arab World was reduced in the rate of 9.5 thousand tons annually.
The study showed the most important 7 Arab countries in producing fish which are : Morocco , Egypt ,Mauritania ,Yamane ,Oman , Algeria and Tunis which produce about 87.5% of fish production in the Arab World as average for period between (2001-2005 ). While about 91% o f the fish exports in the Arab World are in four countries Morocco, Mauritania ,Yamane and Oman .Also , the study showed the proportional importance of fish imports .There are 5 countries: Egypt , Saudi, Emirate Tunis and Morocco which consume about 78,6% of fish imports in the Arab World during the study .
By using variance analysis and l. S .d test showed that Morocco is the first in producing fish after that Egypt and Mauritania is the second, although there are differences in production between them but it isn't significant differences. Morocco is the first in exporting fish and Mauritania is the second. Egypt is the first in importing the quantity o f fish and Saudi Arabia is the second.
The study recommendations
1- The clear importance of fish as a healthy food, and shedding more light on producing valuable fish products which are suitable for different consumers
2- Giving enough and accurate information about Arab markets including different levels of consumption.
3- Fish industry has to be set up in the countries where there are rich sources of fish such as Morocco, Mauritania ,Yamane .Oman and Emirates . We have to turn the investment from the Arab countries that have exceeded of financial towards these countries.

Production and Export Policy of Fish in Arab World

Abeer Mohamed Khalil, 2006


This study aims to explain the production and export policy of Fish in Arab World
It depends on data from the Arab Organization For Agricultural development. It uses the descriptive and quantities analyzing as simple rogation and variance analysis, in addition to the relative importance of certain suggestions to develop the production and marketing of fish in Arab countries .
The results show that fish production in Arab World is significantly increased annually presents 141.6 thousand tons and in the rate of 5.03%annually for fish .The Arab consumption of fish has increased in the rate of 151.2thousand ton annually although the rate of change was 6.01% annually during the period (1990-2005).
The study has showed that exports of fish from Arab World has increased in a great rate presents about 287 thousand tons in the year 1990 to 599 thousand tons in 2005 with increasing rate about 48% . The fish imports in the Arab World have significantly increased about 25.4 thousand tons , the rate of change was about 7.2%frm the average during the period of studying . The exceed fish in the Arab World was reduced in the rate of 9.5 thousand tons annually.
The study showed the most important 7 Arab countries in producing fish which are : Morocco , Egypt ,Mauritania ,Yamane ,Oman , Algeria and Tunis which produce about 87.5% of fish production in the Arab World as average for period between (2001-2005 ). While about 91% o f the fish exports in the Arab World are in four countries Morocco, Mauritania ,Yamane and Oman .Also , the study showed the proportional importance of fish imports .There are 5 countries: Egypt , Saudi, Emirate Tunis and Morocco which consume about 78,6% of fish imports in the Arab World during the study .
By using variance analysis and l. S .d test showed that Morocco is the first in producing fish after that Egypt and Mauritania is the second, although there are differences in production between them but it isn't significant differences. Morocco is the first in exporting fish and Mauritania is the second. Egypt is the first in importing the quantity o f fish and Saudi Arabia is the second.
The study recommendations
1- The clear importance of fish as a healthy food, and shedding more light on producing valuable fish products which are suitable for different consumers
2- Giving enough and accurate information about Arab markets including different levels of consumption.
3- Fish industry has to be set up in the countries where there are rich sources of fish such as Morocco, Mauritania ,Yamane .Oman and Emirates . We have to turn the investment from the Arab countries that have exceeded of financial towards these countries.

التكامل الزراعى العربى ومنطقة التجارة الحرة العربية الكبرى فى ظل العولمة

Alice Farag Saad, 2006


An economic analysis for production and consumption of date in Egypt and Islamic Countries

Wael Azat El-Abed, 2005


Economic Research Institute, Agriculture Research Centre
Cairo, Egypt

The research aims to identify date palm area and the present situation of date production in Egypt and Islamic countries. Egypt position was correlated with produced and consumed countries as well as feddan productivity and individual demand function of date. Data showed that world production of date increased annually by a significant rate that reached 251 thousand tons. Annually growing rate of date was 4.7%. Production of Egyptian date increases annually at significant rate reached to 48.1 thousand tons (5.8% annual increase) during the period of study (1990-2004). The study showed that the world area cultivated with palm date increased annually by a significant rate reached about 89.9 thousand tons, (4.1% annual increase). The cultivated area with palm in Egypt increased annually by a significant rate reached about 1.9 thousand tons (2.9% annual increase ). The world consumption of date is also increased significantly that reached about 271 thousand tons (5.1% annual increase) from the average of consumption which is about 5.3 million tons, during the study period. The number of fruited palm in Egypt is also increased by about 389 thousand palms and the production per palm increased significantly by about 1.14 kg annually. Six Islamic countries cultivated about 74.4% of world palm area. About 92.3% of date production yielded in ten Islamic countries that had more cultivated area represent about 86.1% of world area of date (2.6 million feddan) as an average during (2001-2005).
Egypt had the highest production (14.7 ton), followed with Sudan (3.9 ton per feddan) as an average of (2001-2005). ANOVA and LSD test showed that Egypt in first order followed with Sudan in second; Iraq, Pakistan and Oman in third and UAE in the sixth order although they had the highest cultivated area.
Saudi and UAE was the most consumed countries of date which had 33.5 and 17.5 kg of annual individual consumed rate correspond to 14.5, 13.8 and 13 kg in Libya, Egypt and Algeria, respectively during the period of study. The individual function of demand in Egypt reflect that date is one of essential goods for Egypt consumer.
The realistic price was about 0.84 while the realistic income was about 0.64 which revealed the necessities of date in Egyptian market through increasing local production or importing date considering quantity and quality.

Key words: Date, Egypt, Production, Economic Analysis

كفاءة استخدام المبيدات أثرها على البيئة فى الزراعة المصرية

Alice Farag Saad, 2004


الأهمية الاقتصادية لبعض التكتلات الاقتصادية العالمية على بعض الصادرات الزراعية المصرية

Alice Farag Saad, Abdelwakil Aboutalib Abd elmaged, 2003


دراسة اقتصادية للممكنات التمويلية لمشروعات المرأة الريفية

Mahmoud Khallaf, 2003



An economic study of the financing to Programs of the rural Women. Funding institution play a very important role in community development in general women development in general specifically. Loans granted by the principal Bank for Development and Agriculture Credit to rural women reached about LE 541Millions in 1991/1992, and increased to reach LE 1.4 Billion in 1999, creating around 240,000 job opportunities
During this period.
The Social Fund for Development also granted loans that reached about L.E6.1 million to rural women, out of which 44384 project were established, and98978job opportunities were
created. Moreover, loans granted by the local Development Fund for rural women reached LE16million pounds those allowed 9286 projects to be established, and provided 1306 job opportunities during the period 1994-2002.
Survey results indicated that40.9 % of the loans granted to rural women were spent on the purpose they were taken for, and that about 34.65% of the sampled beneficiaries realized high revenue. In addition, it was found that 61.8% of them continue to take loans from the same studied institutions, and that most of the loans are invested in established animal husbandry, poultry, and dairy activities.

A feasibility study of Ostrich farming in Egypt and the world

Alice Farag Saad, 2000


A feasibility study of Ostrich farming in Egypt and the world