Dr. Mohammed Hamed Zaki Shaker
Affiliation Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI)
Department Extension Programs Research Department
Research Field Agricultural Extension and Rural Community Development(Diffusion of Agricultural Innovations)
E-mail address zakishaker@yahoo.com
Work Telephones 2025716301
Fax 2025716303
Professional progress
Director in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [27/01/2001]
Scientific Progress
Emeritus Chief Researcher in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [12/04/2007]
Chief Researcher in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [20/05/1995]
Senior Researcher in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [06/01/1990]
Researcher in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [01/12/1984]
Assistant Researcher in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [30/06/1980]
Research Assistant in Agricultural Extension & Rural Development Research Institute (AERDRI) [16/07/1975]
- Extension needs of rural women to raise and produce poultry in Sharkia governorate. (2005)
- Extension effect of farmers exposure to problems system and its responds follow-up in vercon net, kafr El-sheikh, governorate (2004)
- Knowledge level of farmers regarding soil conservation processes and its relationships with wheat productivity in some Egyptian governorates (2003)
- Knowledge level of citrus exporting farmers regarding fruit picking and handling practices in some Egyptian governorates (1999)
- The future trends of research in agricultural extension in Arab Republic of Egypt (1999)
- Extension knowledge needs of olive farmers in northern and southern Sinai governorates (1997)
- Extension needs of strawberry farmers at Shebeen E1-Kanater and Toukh districts in Qalyoubia governorate (1994)
- The knowledge level of Rice farmers regarding he technical recommendations of Rice crop and lts relationships with average productivity in some villages of Beheira, Kafr el-sheikh and Dakahlia governorates (1994)
- The educational effect of agricultural machinery station at some villages in Menia governorate (1991)
- Some variables affect the average productivity of cotton farmers per feddan in its main production areas (1991)
- Extension knowledge needs of mulberry Silkworm breeders 1n Menoufia and Qalioubieh Governorates. (1988)
- Distance and its effect upon the diffusion of soybean nodulation practice among the farmers in some villages of Beni-Mazar district el Minia governorate. (1988)
- The perceptions of rejectors toward the attributes of some new farm practices. (1988)
- The extension knowledge needs of lentils farmers in Sharkia governorate. (1987)
- Extension knowledge needs of rural women related to some activities of agricultural production and home economics in some Egyptian governorates. (1987)
Technical Report:
- Base-Line Survey of RADCON Project (2006)
- Identifying Resource Poor Communities in Some Egyptian Governorates (2005)
- Final report of needs assessment (2005)
- Summary of needs assessment (2005)
- Conclusion of needs assessment (2005)