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Hala Abou Yousef, Eman Foad,
Cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) is considered a serious insect pest attacking several crops. As result of intensive used of insecticides, A. craccivora has developed resistance to various insecticides. Therefore, in the present study, biochemical studies were carried out to elucidate the mechanisms of resistance in Cowpea aphid to thiamethoxam. The thiamethoxam resistant strain showed 48 fold resistance after selection pressure with thiamethoxam for 12 generations.
Bioassay test revealed that the resistant strain also exhibited cross resistance to the tested carbamate insecticides; pirimicarb and carbosulfan. While showed vigor tolerance ratio to organophosphorus insecticide; malathion and low tolerance level to fenitrothion and chlorpyrifos- methyl. High vigor tolerance was also obtained to neonicotinoid ; acetamiprid. Synergism studies pointed out that DEF as a remarkable inhibitor for esterases in insects, increased thiamethoxam toxicity to R strain 5.58 times. Moreover, biochemical assays revealed that carboxylestersae activity was 30 times higher in the R strain than that in S strain. Determination of AChE activity showed that R strain had 3.68 times higher activity compared to the susceptible strain. Generally, our result suggest that the higher activity of the detoxification enzymes namely esterases is likely a resistance mechanism to thiamethoxam in Cowpea aphid.
Eman Foad, Hala Abou Yousef,
Cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora) is one of the most important sucking insect pest attacking faba bean, Cowpea and pea. In this study we determined the efficacy of seven insecticides against three field strains collected from three Governorates ;Dakahlia (D), Qalyobia (Q) and Beni sweif (B). Diagnostic concentrations (LC90 values of S-strain) for each insecticide were established by dose response assay using leaf dipping technique. Resistance monitoring studies showed that field strain from Dakahlia Governorate was highly detected to the tested organophosphates, carbamates and neonicotinoids. However, the field strain from Bani-Sweif exhibited lower level of resistance to the tested insecticides
Esterase activity in the three field strains (D,Q and B) was generally high as activity ratio ranged between7.8- 4.3. Whereas, the activity of both glutathione –s- transferase and mixed function oxidases were moderate in Q and D field strains. However, in the Beni-Sweif strain , the enzyme activities were varied and slightly different from S strain. Resistance monitoring and enzyme activity investigated in this study proposed that the resistance in Cowpea aphid to the tested insecticides may be due to the higher activity of the metabolic enzymes namely carboxylesterases.
sherifa Elsherif,
تم اختبار ثلاث سلالات حقلية لدودة ورق القطن ثم جمعها من الغربية و كفر الشيخ و البحيرة خلال مواسم القطن في 2012 , 2013 , 2014 و ذلك لتقصي مستويات المقاومة لكل من مبيدي البروفينوفوس , و ذلك باستخدام المبيد التجاري ( كورد ) و مبيد الكلوروبيروفوس باستخدام اربع مركبات تجارية تحت اسماء ( بيريبان و دوروسيل و بستبان و دروسبان اتش ) , و كذلك تقدير التغيرات البيو كيميائية لانزيم الاستيل كولين استريز في كل من السلالات الحقلية و السلالة المعملية .
وجد ان مركب البروفينوفوس ( كورد ) له مستوى مقاومة منخفضة في سلالات الغربية , حيث كان معامل المقاومة (1.96 ) خلال موسم القطن 2012 و وصلت المقاومة لهذه السلاله الي مقاومة متوسطة بمعامل مقاومة ( 4.01 ) في موسم القطن 2014 , و وجد ان هذا المركب له مقاومة متوسطة في كل من سلالتي كفر الشيخ و البحيرة بمعامل مقاومة ( 3.86 , 2.31 ) في موسم 2012 , و وصلت المقاومة الي مقاومة عالية حيث وصل معامل المقاومة الي ( 7.62 , 6.71 ) لنفس السلالتين خلال موسم القطن 2014 .
في حين ان النتائج اظهرت ان الثلاث سلالات الحقلية المختبرة في موسم القطن 2012 لم تكتسب اي مقاومة لمبيد الكلوروبيروفوس و ذلك لاربع مركبات التجارية المختبره له حيث كان معامل السمية اقل من 1 . و وجد ان مركبي البستبان و البيريبان اكتسبا مقاومة منخفضة في سلالة الغربية و كفر الشيخ و البحيرة خلال موسم القطن 2014 بمعامل مقاومة ( 1.21 , 1.91 ) , ( 1.31 , 1.76 ) , ( 1.93 , 1.60 ) على التوالي . في حين ان مركب دورسبان اتش اكتسب مقاومة متوسطة في سلالة كفر الشيخ و البحيرة بمعامل مقاومة ( 2.25 , 2.04 ) , و كذلك لمبيد الدورسيل في سلالة كفر الشيخ بمعامل مقاومة ( 4.93 ) خلال موسم القطن 2014 .
و وجد ان مستوى انزيم الاسيتيل كولين استريز ارتفع في السلالات الحقلية عن المعملية , و كان اقصى ارتفاع له في سلالة كفر الشيخ ( 39.88% ) في حالة مبيد البروفينوفوس ( كورد ) و ( 566.08% ) في حالة مبيد الكلوروبيروفوس ( دورسيل ) . و كان اقل مستوى لنشاطه في حالة مبيد الكلوروبيروفوس ( دورسبان اتش و دورسيل ) في سلالة الغربية ( -65.04% , -25.27% ) .
و عموما وجد ان سلالة كفر الشيخ اظهرت نشاط عالي لانزيم الاستيل كولين استريز , في حين كان اقل نشاط لهذا الانزيم في سلالة الغربية و ذلك في موسم القطن 2014 .
و اظهرت النتائج ان انزيم الاستيل كولين استريز له نشاط عالي في السلالات الحقلية عن السلالات المعملية , و لذلك ممكن ان نستنتج ان زيادة نشاط انزيم الاستيل كولين استريز يلعب دور مهم في اكتساب المقاومة لدودة ورق القطن ضد المركبات الفسفورية المختبره .
Omaima Mostafa, sherifa Elsherif, Mona Elhadek,
Field strains of the cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd) were collected from three Governorates (Gharbya, Kafr El- Sheikh and Behera) during 2012 to 2014 cotton seasons for monitoring of its resistance to Agron (Flufenoxuron) 10% DC, Topron (Chlorfluazuron) 5 yo EC, Dimeuron (Hexaflumuron) 10 % EC and Cascade (Flufenoxuron) 10 %DC.
The IGR Agron had low and medium levels of resistance in Gharbya for resistance coeff,rcient (RC) 1.72,2.62 and 3.39. The same results were obtained in Kafr El-Sheikh and Behera strains during 2012 for RC (0.42 and 1.47), While it reached to medium level of resistance (2.76, 3.92) and (3.2, 4.03) during 2013 and 2014 cotton seasons for Kafr El - Sheik and Behera strains respectively.
Topron recorded lack and low levels ofresistance at the cotton season 2012 in Gharbya , Kafr El-Sheikh and Behera with RC ( 1.01 , 0.54 and 0.45 ) respectively , while this compound had medium level of resistancein2014 cotton season (3.26,3.37 autd4.12 ) to the same Governorate .
During the cotton season 2012, Dimeuron and Cascade showed medium levels of resistance (RC) in all tested field strains except Cascade in Gharbya had low level of resistance. RC to Dimeuron reached to high level of resistance in Gharbya and Kafr El- Sheikh with RC (5.62 and 7.02) in 2014 cotton season 'Also, Cascade had high level of resistance in the three field strains with RC (5.47 , 5 -12 and 5.76) to Gharbya , Kafr El-Sheikh and Behera strains in 2014 cotton season.
The IGRs Agron and Topron gave good results against the three tested field strains of the cotton leaf worm, the resistance levels (RR) had not reached than 4.61 fold to Agron and 4.59 fold for Topron in the cotton season 2014.
sherifa Elsherif, Mona Elhadek, Omaima Mostafa,
The toxicity of experimental pesticides and the resistance coefficient (RC) against the red mite Tetranychus urticae and the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis collected from Benisuef Governorate cotton fields during 2013 and 2014 were determined.
The results indicate that Vapcomic 1.8% showed the most toxic effect against the adult of T.urticae with LC50 0.15 ppm in cotton season 2013 reached to 0.30 ppm in cotton season 2014. The tested acaricides Permectine , Vertemic, Vapcomic and Challenger had lack of resistance against red mite with RC > 1 in cotton seasons 2013 and 2014.
Spintor 24 % was the most toxic biocides used against the cotton leafworm with LC50 2.22 and 4.92 ppm in 2013 and 2014 cotton seasons respectively. Also,Spintor only the tested biocides had lack of resistance with RC 0.21 and 0.40 against cotton leafworm in cotton seasons 2013 and 2014 respectively.
DursbanH , exhibited the highest level of toxicity to the tested insecticides with LC50 18.02 and 21.18 ppm in cotton seasons 2013 and 2014 .Also , the two insecticides used Dursban H and Nasrphose .had lack of resistance against Spodoptera littoralis in cotton seasons 2013 and 2014 with RC > 1 .
Match was the most toxic IGR to the cotton leafworm with LC50 0.29 in cotton season 2013 reached to0. 92 ppm in cotton season 2014.
The tested IGR Match had lack of resistance in cotton season 2013 and 2014 with RC 0.11 and 0.43.
It may be concluded that the bio-acaricides Permectine ,Vertimec and Vapcomic and the bio-insecticides Spinosad and IGR Match can be considered as significant compounds for cotton crop production management .
Gehad mousa, Basem El-Badry,
Pesticidal efficiency of three locally synthesized organo-cyanide compounds were determined in both laboratory and field. The tested compounds were (A) 2- amino- 4 -methyl -4 -(2-methyl prop -1- enyl) pent -1- ene. 1,1,3,5,5 penta carbonitrile, (B) 2-cyanoacetohydrazide and (C) 2-cyanoacetamide. Compound (A) was prepared as flowable formulation contains 22.5% (Wt./V.) active ingredient (a.i). while (B) and (C) were prepared as soluble powder formulation contain 90% (Wt./Wt.) a.i. in two different composition as B1, B2 and C1, C2. Toxicity of organo-cyanide compounds was determined against spider mite Tetranychus urticae in the laboratory while their pesticidal efficiency against pests: soya fly, aphid, leaf miner and spider mite infested bean plants were determined under field conditions. The obtained results indicated that only compound B showed moderate toxicity effect against T. urticae. Results of field experiments indicated that the effect of some compounds varied from one pest to another. The following compounds showed high initial and residual effects against pests A at 2%, B1 at 1%, B2 at 2% against soybean fly; A at 2%, B1 at 2% , B2 at 2% against aphid; A at 2%, B1 at 2% B2 at 2% against leaf miner and B1 at 2%, B2 at 1% against spider mite.
Basem El-Badry, Sami Ramses,
Evaluate the purity tests of Calendula officinalis as dry part (flowers) and prepare formulation of the plant extract in two solvents, ethanol and methanol to be used as an anti-fungal against Al. solani, F. oxysporuim, R. solani and S. rolfsii.
Two experiments were carried out to evaluate the fungicidal effect of C. officinalis plant extract. The first experiment was carried out to determine the fungicidal effect of different concentrations 25, 50, 75 and 100 g/ ml of C. officinalis plant extract in two solvents ethanol and methanol on the linear growth of the fungi under investigation. The second experiment was performed in the greenhouse under the artificial infestation condition with R. solani causing damping-off and S. rolfsii causing southern blight diseases for tomato seedling. Tomato seeds variety Castle rock were applied by 1125 g/ kg. C. officinalis plant extract or fungicide carboxin (Vitavax) as seed treatment. Results of in vitro experiment showed that the C. officinalis plant extract in the different concentrations decreased the mycelial growth for all fungi under investigation. C. officinalis plant extract in ethanol solvent was more effective than in methanol solvent against all fungi under investigation.
Greenhouse experiment showed that the tomato seed treatment with carboxin (Vitavax) gave the highest protection against R. solani and S. rolfsii followed by C. officinalis plant extract in ethanol solvent.
El-Hussein Yossef El -Khatib,
In the present work, he in-vivo combined effect of the pesticide cypermethrin and 650 nm diode laser irradiation o DNA of rat liver cells was studied. The DNA damage were detected via comet assay after exposure to different combined treatments of diode laser -640-660 m- and the pesticide. the cobinatio of cypermethrin treatmet with laser irradiation showed a synergistic effect of both low dose level of cypermethrin, with high dose of diode laser. The produced combined effect might occure via enhanced mechanism. Such combined exposure may serve as environmental risk factor. The implies the storage of the pesticide in dark containers. In addition, there is a need for permanent bio-monitoring of subjects occupationally exposed to various mixtures of different environmental agents, in order to detect early genetic biomarkers of exposure and to prevent further induction of DNA legends, which could include neoplstic grwth of damaged somatic cells.
El-Hussein Yossef El -Khatib,
The comet assay -singe-cell gel electrophoresis, SCGE- is a simple method for measuring deoxyribonucleic acid -DNA- strand breaks in eukaryotic cells. The assay has application in testing different chemical and physical agents for genotoxicity and monitoring environmental contamination with genotoxins. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the genotoxic effects of the synthetic pyrethroid pesticide -cypermethrin-, which is widely used in Egypt in pest-control programs in agriculture and in public health as well. Male rats were sacrificed 1, 7 or 14 days after administration of single oral dose 1/30, 1/10 or 1/5 LD50 of commercial formulation of cypermethrin. Single liver cell suspentions were prepared and Comet assay was performed. With the SCGE assay, a clear induction of DNA damage was observed. It is generally noticide that all pesticide tratments yielded statistically significant -P<0.0001- DNA damage. In conclution, cypermethrin induced a clear significant positive dose-dependent increase in DNA damage in the rat liver cells exposed to cypermethrin. The resuls of the present work suggested that comet assay might be a suitable and sensitive endpoint in genotoxicity evalution of pesticides, but we confirm that various tests should be used for detecting the mutagenic activity of pesticides.
Hamdey El-Maghraby,
High performance liquid chromatographic ,HPLC, analysis of methomyl was used in order to measure residue amount of methomyl as ng/g tissue of both terrestrial slug, Lehmenia marginata and male white albino rat, Rattus norvegicus var. albus. The results indicated high performance liquid chromatographic methomyl response after 48 hrs of topical application and poisoned food technique methods at different concentration against gastropod slug, L. marginata.