Achievments of ARC in 2019-2021

The period from 2014 until now, during the rule of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, witnessed many achievements in the advancement of Egyptian agricultural wealth. The Agricultural Research Center (which is the largest applied research body in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa) has contributed to the development of many fields in order to serve the Egyptian agricultural sector and has achieved many achievements that reflect the center’s vision to work at an accelerated pace and at all levels in parallel to achieve a great development boom that contributes significantly In achieving food security for citizens in all parts of the Republic without exception.
The political leadership’s belief in the capabilities of the Egyptians, the importance of science and scientific research, the necessity of adopting the latest technologies, maximizing the added value, not being satisfied with the minimum number of achievements and striving to compete with developed countries in all sectors, helped the center to achieve scientific breakthroughs in various fields. More Details ....

ARC Ranking

ARC Ranking Compared to research centers:

  • First in Agriculture and Biological Sciences... The Arab Republic of Egypt
  • The second is compared to research centers ... the Arab Republic of Egypt
  • Third in Agriculture and Biological Sciences... Middle East and North Africa
  • Fourth compared to research centers ... Middle East and North Africa

International Publication

The Year Researchs Numbers
2020 1127
2021 1374
2022 1554
2023 1584

our latest publications All publications


Wael El Shafei, 2024

Due to the extreme danger of the red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Dryophthoridae) on date palms and its rapid spread in many countries in the world. This work was carried out to evaluate the effect of using different pheromones, baits and trap shapes on the attraction of the RPW adults by pheromone traps in date palm plantations. Results revealed that the traps contained Rhyncho gel pheromone recorded the highest average of captured RPW 20.17 adults/ trap compared to the three other tested pheromones, Rhyno cap, English and Costa Rican which recorded, 17.44, 12.94 and 7.44 adults/ trap respectively. Also

Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of some fruit and vegetable wastes

Mohamed Hosny Aly Hassan, 2024

This investigation was carried out to study the chemical composition, soluble, insoluble and total dietary fibers of some Egyptian fruit and vegetable peels. Also, determine the bioactive compounds such as an antioxidant activity, total phenolic, flavonoid and vitamin C, besides the minerals. Water holding capacity (WHC) and oil binding capacity (OBC) were also determined. The obtained results indicated that potato peels and tomato pomace contained the highest values of protein (15.18 and 14.39%, respectively). On the other hand, the highest values of total dietary fibers and water holding capacity (WHC) were recorded for tomato pomace (48.04% and 6.44 g H2O/g dry matter, respectively). While, the prickly pear peels showed the highest value of ash (11. 84 %). Also, the same results indicated that orange peels had the highest value of carbohydrates (90.06 %). The same results indicated that mango kernel contained the highest fat, total phenolic and flavonoid (9.22%, 58.33% and 9.17 mg/g, respectively). The obtained results indicated that all the studied peels besides mango kernel and tomato pomace showed antioxidant activity percentages, very higher than wheat flour .Since antioxidant activity recorded ranges from 73.47 to 91.41% respectively compared to 17.78% for wheat flour. Also, the obtained results indicated also that mango kernel showed the highest contents of Mg which was recorded, 1627.96 mg/100g. Moreover, potato peels showed the highest contents of K and Fe which recorded 4443.26 and 28.27 mg /100g, respectively. Prickly pear peels showed the highest contents of Ca, Na and Mn (3470.90, 767.68 and 2.15 mg /100g, respectively).

Production and Evaluation of Peanut Butter Prepared with Peanut Shells

Hayam Asawy, 2024

Background: Innovative application of processing is an emerging trend in food production.
Objective: The present study was conducted to produce peanut butter and evaluate the physical,
chemical, and sensory properties of the product, to which the outer shells of peanuts were added
in different proportions (5, 10, 15%) to reduce the calories of the product by reducing the fat content in the peanut butter as well as benefiting from the shells as a residue secondary to the peanut seeds.
Methods: The chemical composition of the prepared sample, along with bioactive determination
Using HPLC, microbial testing, Aflatoxin content, and sensory evaluation, have been done for the
prepared peanut butter using standard methods.
Results: The chemical composition of the peanut outer shell powder was characterized by the
highest value of fiber (46.6%), followed by total carbohydrates and protein (23.25%, (12.54%) respectively. The produced peanut butter showed that the total carbohydrate resulted in the highest
value (23.25%), followed by fat (42.21) and protein (28.12%). Substitution at 5, 10, and 15%
peanut outer shell resulted in a non-significant difference concerning protein. At the same time,
the lipid content showed a significant decrease compared to the control. A similar trend was found
concerning total carbohydrate-to-fat content. Total fiber increased to 1.5 & 2.08, and 2.6 times as
high as the content parallel to dietary fiber, while ?-Carotene decreased significantly due to the
substitution level. The substitution level decreased energy (cal) by about 203.58, 730.093, 562.86,
545.19, and 526.66, respectively, compared with the control. A slight increase was found in the
mineral content due to the substitution, except for the calcium increases at 15%. DPPH and ABTS% increased in parallel with the substitution level, which was in line with total phenols and
flavonoids. Flavonoid fraction resulted in nariagin (94.72 QE), the major flavonoid, followed by
lutein (82.23 QE). Meanwhile, phenolic compounds were described with pyrogallol (68.31 GAE)
(As the main compound, followed by chlorogenic (780.76 GAE). The fatty acid composition
showed that oleic and linoleic were predominant in all treatments. Bacterial, yeast, and mold
counts appeared after three months of storage (20 ± 2°C). Aflatoxin was not detectable in the sample of the peanut outer shells and peanut butter samples. Sensory characteristics showed approximately the same score for all treatments except that of 15% substitution, which resulted in a significant decrease in all parameters compared with the control.
Conclusion: This study reported that 5%, followed by 10% of peanut outer shells, were the most
suitable levels for making peanut butter, improving the nutritional value by increasing the percentage of fiber and antioxidants in peanut shells, leading to better quality products and shelf life.
Keywords: Aflatoxin sensory characteristics, peanut butter, peanut outer shells, microbiological analysis, HPLC, carbohydrates.

A System for Identifying Entomopathogenic Nematodes

Sahier El-Lakwah, Ahmed ِAzazy, Susan El-Lakwa, Abd Elrahman Mohamed, 2023

High agricultural production is essential for food security. Hence, it is important to increase crop yields while minimizing losses. Insects cause considerable economic losses.Entomopathogenic Nematodes (EPNs) are alternatives to chemical pesticides for controlling insects. For researchers, determining the type of EPNs is not an easy task. Thus, a tool for identifying EPNs species is needed. In this paper, we introduce a method for developing a system to identify EPNs species according to their morphometric traits. We used Web Ontology Language (OWL) to build the ontology of EPNs species and represent their semantic information. Ontology helps in data representation, exchange, and interoperability. The proposed system was implemented as a mobile application that extracts and retrieves EPNs data from ontology. It displays the details of valid Heterorhabditis and Steinernema species.
Also, it enables us to find species that are related to the given infective juveniles (IJs) features. We used techniques of similarity search such as cosine similarity and Euclidean distance to compare different EPNs species and identify similar species based on appearance features. The results indicate that the system can recognize the known EPNs species and it helps to identify similar species.


Mohamed Ahmed, Fadl Hashem, 2023

Two field experiments were conducted during the two successive winter seasons of 2020-2021 and 2021-
2022 on the experimental farm belonging to the Central Laboratory for Agricultural Climate, Agricultural
Research Center, Giza Governorate, and Egypt. The study comprised three irrigation levels (50, 75, and 100%
of estimated water requirement based on climatic data) and four soil cover treatments namely transparent
polyethylene mulch (PE), rice straw (RS), date palm fiber wastes (DPf) and control (bare soil). Hot pepper
seeds (Capsicum annuum L.), Super Noura F1 hybrid. Hot pepper transplants were cultivated in the field in
the first week of September for both seasons. The main results show that using 100% water level led to
increased vegetative and yield of hot pepper during both seasons followed by using 75% while deficit
irrigation gave the lowest hot pepper growth and yield. Using 75% water level gave the highest water use
efficiency. Using PE mulch led to increasing the soil temperature during the growth season followed by rice
straw mulch whereas the date palm fiber wastes mulch decrease soil temperature during both seasons.
Moreover, PE treatment led to an increase in the growth and yield of hot pepper during both seasons. Control
treatment combined with a 50% water level decreased the growth and productivity of hot pepper during the
two seasons.

Development of an in vitro regeneration system from immature inflorescences and CRISPR/Cas9?mediated gene editing in sudangrass

Shireen Assem, 2023

Background Sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) is a major biomass producer for livestock feed and biofuel in many countries. It has a wide range of adaptations for growing on marginal lands under biotic and abiotic stresses. The immature inflorescence is an explant with high embryogenic competence and is frequently used to regenerate different sorghum cultivars. Caffeic acid O-methyl transferase (COMT) is a key enzyme in the lignin biosynthesis pathway, which limits ruminant digestion of forage cell walls and is a crucial barrier in the conversion of plant biomass to bioethanol. Genome editing by CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutagenesis without a transgenic footprint will accelerate the
improvement and facilitate regulatory approval and commercialization of biotech crops.

Influence of Nano-Chitosan Loaded with Potassium on Potassium Fractionation in Sandy Soil and Strawberry Productivity

Fadl Hashem, 2023

Under sandy soil conditions, increasing the efficiency of potassium (K) fertilizers is considered to be a major limiting factor for improving the productivity and quality of fruit crops. In this context, utilizing nanotechnology has emerged as a novel technique to increase the efficiency of K applications. In our study, two field trials were conducted, in two consecutive seasons (2019/2020 and 2020/2021), to compare the effects of nano-chitosan loaded with K as a foliar treatment with those of conventional soil applications of K on plant growth, yield, and quality of strawberry plants grown in sandy soil. Strawberry plants were treated with 12 different treatments, which were replicated three times in a randomized complete block design in each growing season. Potassium sulfate (K2SO4, 48% K2O) was applied to the soil at a rate of 150.0 kg acre?1 (recommended rate, 100%). Meanwhile, the spraying of nano-chitosan loaded with K was applied at 1000 mg L?1 as a control. In addition, K2SO4 was applied either individually or in combination at the rate of 112.5 or 75.0 kg acre?1 with four nano-chitosan-K dosages (250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg L?1). After harvesting, soil samples were collected and prepared to determine K fractions. As well, plant samples were collected to determine the vegetative growth parameters and the foliage content of NPK and chlorophyll. Eventually, the yield traits and quality parameters were evaluated. A principal component analysis was conducted to determine the interrelationships of the treatments’ averages and their effects on yield components and quality traits. A combined analysis was performed for the two studied seasons and the values were the mean of six replications. The results indicated that the application of common K fertilizer (150.0 kg K2SO4 acre?1) resulted in the maximum increase in soluble and exchangeable K in the soil, which was comparable to those observed with 112.5 kg K2SO4 acre?1 + 1000 mg L?1 nano-chitosan-K and 112.5 K2SO4 acre?1 + 750 mg L?1 nano-chitosan-K. The total yield, marketable yield, and fruit firmness were all significantly increased by the latter two treatments compared to the control group. Furthermore, plots treated with 112.5 kg K2SO4 acre?1 + 1000 mg L?1 nano-chitosan-K significantly increased the total soluble solids, vitamin C levels, acidity, total sugar, and anthocyanin levels in strawberry fruits. In conclusion, under sandy soil conditions, the utilization of nanoparticles could be an indispensable tool for manipulating fertilization management when cultivating strawberries. The K status of the soil was improved by applying 75% of the recommended dose of mineral K in combination with 1000 or 750 mg L?1 of nano-chitosan-K, without compromising strawberry yield or quality.

Effectiveness of Pitfall Trap Colors in Monitoring Adults of Blister Beetle Meloe proscarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Meloidae) in Faba Bean Fields at El-Farafra Oasis Egypt

Ahemd Eh-Kenawy, 2023

The blister beetles Meloe proscarabaeus Linnaeus, 1758 (Coleoptera: Meloidae), is a
dangerous pest that threatens the agriculture of faba bean fields in El-Farafra Oasis,
New Valley Governorate. In this study, an evaluation of the efficiency of different
pit-fall trap colors for capturing adults of the blister beetles has been performed in
faba bean (Vicia faba L.) fields. The experiment revealed that the green and red
traps showed the highest number of captured beetles during the 2020 and 2021
seasons, which was highly significant to other traps’ colors. On the other hand,
black, blue, gray, white, and yellow traps showed insignificant differences in the
number of captured beetles. Concerning the sex of trapped beetles; it could be
highlighted that the green trap attracted more female beetles than males with
significant differences. Inversely, the red color trap attracted more males than
females with significant differences. Approximately 40% of the captured beetle
population was recorded in March, while only 11% were trapped in April. A Green
pit-fall trap could be deemed a new estimating assay to suppress M. proscarabaeus
adults in faba bean fields since the color trap variation affected the number of
captured beetles. Therefore, color traps can be relied upon as an effective method
in controlling beetles without the number of beetles reaching the limit of economic
damage and in a manner that is safe for the environment.

Utilization of Data Mining Classification Technique to Predict the Food Security Status of Wheat

Mohamed Ali, Maryam Hazman, 2023

Egypt faces wheat insecurity due to the limited cropped area of agricultural lands and the limited horizontal expansion disproportionate to the population increase. The issue of food security, crop consumption rates, and self-sufficiency is considered one of the most important problems facing countries that seek to improve sustainable agriculture and economic development to eliminate poverty or hunger. This research aims to use data mining classification techniques and decision tree algorithms to predict the food security status of strategic agricultural crops (e.g., wheat) as an Agro intelligence technique. Also, the outputs and extracted information from the prediction process will help decision-makers to take an appropriate decision to improve the self-sufficiency rate of wheat, especially in epidemic crises and hard times such as COVID-19, political, and economic disturbances. On the other hand, the research investigates the patterns of wheat production and consumption for the Egyptian population from 2005 to 2020. This research presents a methodology to predict the food security status of strategic agricultural crops through the case study of wheat in Egypt. The proposed model predicts the food security status of wheat with an accuracy of 92.3% to determine the self-sufficiency ratio of wheat in Egypt during the years from 2015 to 2020. Also, it identifies the factors affecting the food security status of wheat in Egypt, their impact on determining and improving the food security state and its rate of self-sufficiency.


Alaa Khalil, Beelal Abd elahamed, Mohamed Fahim, Rania Tolba, 2023

Horizontal agricultural expansion is one of the most important pillars of
the national economy in Egypt, so the country makes strenuous efforts
to make optimal use of agricultural resources, and despite these efforts,
the climate prevents it
.Recently, global warming has increased and
climate change is expected to worsen the frequency, intensity, and
impacts of some types of extreme weather events that affected mango
productivity during the last years, which led to a decrease in
productivity by about 37%, with a value of financial losses amounting
to 4.8 billion pounds in 2021.Therefore, the research aims to estimate
the impact of extreme weather on mango productivity during the last
three years (2021-2019) at four studied governorates representing 75%
of the total area of mango in Egypt. The Fixed Effect Cross of Panel
Data Model was adopted as the appropriate model, to illustrate the
impact of the phenomena on the productivity of mangoes. The results
show that there is a statistical significance and a negative effect for both
the minimum and maximum temperatures, as productivity decreases by
about 1.05%, and 1.79% with an increase in each of the minimum and
maximum temperatures by 1%, respectively. The negative impact has
been shown on the governorates of Buhaira and Ismailia. Also, the
individual effect was studied for each month,it was found that there was
a statistically significant negative effect of the minimum and maximum
temperatures for the months of flowering and fruiting.

IntellectualProperty Office

to provide legal and professional services for all ARC staff to protect their innovations and technological inventions.


February Agenda

for Agricultural Crops and Animal Production

The Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research

is published quarterly by the Agricultural Research Center covers the results of research in different aspects of agricultural sciences in Arabic and English language .

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